Of course, I can't produce these skits without a cast! So, I need you to audition! Just send a zipped file with the two audition lines for the character you're auditioning for. In the e-mail, include your name/nickname and resume. Before you audition for a permanent part, make sure you can be available to send in lines for that part. You might not be needed right away, but I *will* need you at one time or another.
At this time, the most needed member(s) of the permanent cast that haven't been cast yet is/are: Sailor Mars
The following parts are need for a permanent cast:
Sailor Pluto - "My name is Setsuna Meioh." "Pluto Planet Power! Make Up!"
Artemis - "Sailor V is the girl I watch over. I'm Artemis!"
The following parts are need for the skit "Rei's Memory":
Rei's Father - "You look like your mother in that white dress."
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